Dr. Peter Valenzuela is a nationally recognized physician leader, bestselling author, educator, and cartoonist.
Dr. Valenzuela has a passion for improving health care for patients and for healthcare providers. He does this by preparing physicians, clinicians, and administrators for the new healthcare arena and by helping organizations change their structures and systems to meet the healthcare needs.

Speaking & Facilitation

Advising & Consulting

Curriculum Design

Dr Valenzuela is not just a leader in the medical industry, he might be THE LEADER - his progressive and outside-of-the-box approach to our field is truly taking us to the next level. I had the pleasure of attending a seminar that Dr Valenzuela facilitated, which was essentially a case study, where I felt that I learned more in just one hour than I had the entire two days previous.

Our physician leadership council had been in place for several years and striving to take the next step. Dr. Valenzuela was instrumental in providing the vision and structure for the group. His ability to relate his prior experiences as a physician leader enabled our team to adopt the changes necessary to move forward and do so with confidence.

Doc-Related: A Physician's Guide to Fixing Our Ailing Health Care System
Much in the way the comic strip, Dlibert, taught us about corporate office culture, Doc-Related now takes us behind the clinic doors of today’s ailing US healthcare system. A medley of anecdotes, comics, and data-backed musings, Doc-Related’s “truth-tellers” turn out to be a half-dozen characters you will surely recognize.

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